When to replace fibrocement shingles

In compliance with regulations for the elimination of asbestos-cement tiles, due to the inconveniences that it brings both in installation, maintenance and health, we show some of the benefits that can be achieved by changing this type of roof.

Asbestos or asbestos, as we already know, is a mineral known for its resistance characteristics that allows to isolate heat and noise, this mineral is considered carcinogenic by different international organizations, since it is harmful to health in the phases in which it is found. scattered in the air.

It has been used in many industries, for example, in construction, building to reinforce cement and plastics, as well as insulation, in roofing material, fireproof material and to absorb sound.

Based on what has been described above and taking into account the evolution of the market, we find products that can replace this type of roof, generating the following advantages:

Improves the aesthetics of the building.
Improves thermal insulation.
It is easier to maintain the roof, it allows walking on it without fear of fracturing the tile, causing leaks.
Lower cost of roof maintenance.
Greater lighting in the interior.
Less weight is produced on the support structure.
Greater safety is achieved in the work area.
Ease of handling the tile, compared to the weight of asbestos-cement.
Better fixing of the tile, without fear that strong winds could lift it.
Installation of finials and accessories for proper construction, according to need.
It is stipulated that the asbestos-cement covers must be removed immediately for health reasons, in addition to this, the new trends in construction tell us that there are covers that replace these tiles generating greater advantages and benefits.
These fiber cement slab replacement tasks can be done in a synchronized manner, that is, while the toxic material slabs are being removed, the new roof slabs are installed, either by:

Galvanized iron plates
Aluminum sandwich panel
Resin panels
In this way, for example, it is avoided that in industrial buildings, companies, warehouses, silos, etc. open gaps in the roof or deck of the building site are left for long periods of time.
On the other hand, you can proceed to the removal of asbestos materials and exhaustive cleaning of toxic materials.

In Colombia asbestos is produced in large quantities, many products are marketed, mainly tiles and sheets. In 2017, the so-called Ana Cecilia Niño law (the woman who died a victim of the substance) was approved, with which the use of asbestos is prohibited in Colombia.

However, this trend of substituting hazardous materials in buildings has exploded in recent years. Now is when a real awareness has been taken both by institutions and companies, of the need to carry out this type of work and replacement works.

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